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ASL Race for the Meuse Battle of Bodange
ASL Race for the Meuse Battle of Bodange
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A historical module scenario pack for Advanced Squad Leader from Lone-Canuck Publishing.

In the early morning hours of 10 May 1940, a single code-word “Danzig” was transmitted to German forces and at 04:30 hours, German panzers rumbled westward across the border into the Low Countries, heralding the start of the Blitzkrieg in the West. Without encountering significant obstacles, the reconnaissance elements of the 1.Panzerdivision raced across Luxembourg, crossing the 50 kilometres, even before the inhabitants were awake, and reaching the Belgian frontier at Martelange at 07.45 hours. The German plan foresaw an attack on Martelange by Marschgruppe Voraus – a motorcycle company supported by armoured cars - then an attack on Bodange by the entire Advance Guard.

This tactical mission (TM) revolves around the efforts of the Belgian 5th Company, 1er Regiment de Chasseurs Ardennais' valiant attempt to slow the Germans' Race for the Meuse River. This TM is compatible with MMP's ASL System and modifiable to be used with other miniature Wargaming systems.

The Tactical Mission Pack comes with 1x Tactical Mission (a.k.a. Campaign Game) + 5 Scenario played on a historically based (24½"x 35" with standard ASL 7/8" hexes) map of the Sure River Valley; between the villages of Wisembach and Bodange, located 3-kilometres west of the Belgian-Luxembourg border.