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By Sword and Fire - Danish Wars 1657-1660 (ENG)
By Sword and Fire - Danish Wars 1657-1660 (ENG)
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Danish Wars 1657-1660

is the second from the series of expansions for By Fire and Sword: Battles. Armies. Commanders.

It has 88 pages (soft cover) and includes 4 special miniatures available only with this book:

Rigsmark Anders Eriksen Bille – Danish commander-in-chief in 1657

General Jørgen Bjelke – commander of the Norwegian army from 1658

Captain Svend Poulsen – famous commander of Danish snapphanar partisans

and Generalkrigskommisarie - Danish military commissar

In addition we'll add miniature of Danish Ensign for each order placed by the 12th of April

Description of the army of the Kingdom of Denmark and Norway forms the main part of the supplement. Thanks to an extensive historical introduction the readers will learn more about the Danish-Norwegian military history as well as about the causes of the conflict.

However what is most interesting for players are the new rules. We are sure that the supplement will fulfill your expectations.

The Danes and Norwegians have 6 skirmish forces, 9 regiments and 7 divisions as well as 7 historical commanders which makes them one of the most expanded armies in “By Fire and Sword”.

The book also holds additional materials for Denmark's enemies – the Swedes. These include both elite veterans of Carl X Gustav that attacked Denmark in 1657 as well as their opposite in terms of training and experience – that is the Swedish territorial defense forces.

The supplement also includes organizational structures and descriptions of forces of the anti-Swedish alliance: the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (led by the famous Czarniecki's division), Brandenburg, the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands.