The Dune Vipers Gang Up Against Foes of House Martell
Dune Vipers excel at guerrilla tactics and harassing their enemies with their spears and nets. Being masters of the deserts, they can fend enemies off by themselves, but are most effective when working alongside another unit, catching opponents by surprise.
Tactical Points
With their movement value of 6, the Dune Vipers are very mobile and can easily attempt to attack their opponents in the Flank or Rear.
The Dune Vipers’ Spear & Net Attack makes the Defender Weakened, setting them up to take Hits from the Vipers’ Counterstrike ability if they decide to attack them afterwards.
Despite not having the best Attack value around, the Dune Vipers’ Gang-up ability allows them and other friendly units to become stronger if engaged to the same enemy.