Having rebuilt his army after the Russian retreat Napoleon advances into Saxony with an army of 130,000, mostly conscripted and trained from scratch in four months. This boxed set recreates the three key battles of the Spring Campaign of 1813.
On 2 May 1813 at Lützen the Russian and Prussian Coalition attacks what it believes to be the French flank, only to find Napoleon himself appearing. Following up the retreating Coalition to Bautzen Napoleon's grand envelopment on 21-22 May fails as Ney misunderstands his orders; the battered Coalition forces are lucky to escape. At Luckau on 6 June Bülow’s Prussians defeated Oudinot’s XII Corps, saving Berlin. And as a bonus Koningswartha-Weissig gives Barclay's attack on 19 May on the flank of the French deployment, disrupting their assembly.
Exhausted and with his men in need of rest and resupply Napoleon asked for an armistice. The Coalition had not won - but it had not lost either.