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Okko Legendary Journey Core Game
Okko Legendary Journey Core Game
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Okko – Oni Hunters is a two player cooperative game.
During a 45 minutes game, you will be a hero striding through the lands of the Pajan Empire, looking for clues in order to discover the Oni hidden within the court of the Shogun.

Prepare for investigations, fights and epic journeys in your quest to restore order in the lands of Pajan with our heroes!

But beware, make sure to fulfill your mission quick before the forces of darkness corrupt all human hearts forever...

At the beginning of the game, each player chooses a Hero who seems fit to complete the mission and beat the game board.

A Hero possesses fighting and investigating skills allowing him / her to face enemies as well as solving the challenges on the way.

Moreover, each Hero has a special ability providing an edge in some situations.

Each board represents a specific cycle as they appear in the comic-book. They have their own progression and come with specific enemies and rules.

Heroes must progress in a precise order if they want to gather enough evidence to reveal corrupt courtiers at the court of Pajan.

The game breaks down in several turns during which Heroes must achieve, one after another, the following sequence:

Draw an Enemy card.
Draw an Adventure card and keep it in hand.
Trade an Adventure card with the second player.
Spend 1 day in order to: Draw 2 Adventure cards or Play a Special card or Resolving an Encounter or Move to a new Area.
Potentially remove a Damage token from the Hero’s card.
On the board, face-down tokens represents the various courtiers at the Court of the Shogun.

Each time Heroes complete a challenge, or after they defeated the board’s “boss”, a player can flip a token or more, memorize and place it or them back face down.

At the end of the game, Heroes will have to discover 3 Oni hiding among the Shogun’s courtiers by remembering what they have learned about tokens throughout the game!