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PROMO Strategy & Tactics 333 Operation Unthinkable
PROMO Strategy & Tactics 333 Operation Unthinkable
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Operation Unthinkable is a two player alternative history wargame intended to investigate the strategic parameters that would have been in place during the first month of operations had the Anglo-Allies and Soviets gone to war against each other starting on or about July 1945.

The map illustrates the militarily significant terrain found in and around this portion of Germany in 1945 when portrayed at this scale. Each hex on the map represents five miles (8 km) from side to opposite side.

The Soviet units of maneuver are corps or corps equivalents (western division equivalents). Those on the Allied side are mostly divisions, along with a separate brigades and regiments.

The rules abstractly represent air power with the presumption that the Allies would have unchallengeable air supremacy. Each full game turn represents half a week of real time.

Important rule Addendum - use this in every game!

New Rules

11.4 Probing Attacks

If you have units located such that they are adjacent to one or more hexes that contain only EZOC, you may decide to attack into that empty-but-EZOC-containing hex in a procedure known as a “probing attack.” Probing attacks may be conducted by either player using the same general procedures as regular attacks, with the important exceptions no odds calculation process is undertaken and neither side can in anyway suffer any losses. Instead, just announce the probing attack and then make an advance after combat into the probed hex. Momentum attacks (see below) may be conducted as probing attacks, and the advance resulting from an initial probing attack may be used to create the opportunity for a momentum attack. Note, however, that no given attacking unit or stack may make more than one probing attack and one momentum attack per friendly combat phase (in either order). Also note Soviet artillery and Allied paratrooper units may never take part in probing attacks.

11.5 Momentum Attacks

All overland supplied Allied non-paratrooper units and supplied Soviet non-artillery mechanized units that advance after combat may attack again immediately (owning player’s choice) in a procedure known as “momentum attack.” Such attacks are always resolved as only one hex of attackers versus one hex of defenders. Further, the option to launch such an attack must be exercised immediately, prior to starting the resolution of any other battle. Also note there are never any serial momentum attacks. That is, even if a given momentum attack is successful in clearing another defended hex, and those victorious attacking units advance after combat again, they would not be allowed to make yet another momentum attack that same phase. In all other ways, momentum attacks are resolved as normal combat. Further, do not forget to recheck the supply status of advancing attackers, as they may, due to EZOC, advance themselves into an OOS position.