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Stuka Leader Core Game - solitaire
Stuka Leader Core Game - solitaire
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Our Price:104.99

Stock Status:In Stock


Stuka Leader is based on Corsair Leader and Zero Leader, expanding gameplay from the previous games. You are in command of a German aerial squadron in Europe in World War Two, with aircraft including the Messerschmitt Me 109 and Me 262, Heinkel He 111, Focke-Wulf Fw 190, and the eponymous Junkers Ju 87 Stuka.
You will need to select the right mix of pilots and aircraft under your command in order to carry out the different types of missions. Each aircraft has its advantages and disadvantages.
This game also expands additional aspects of German operations such as fuel barrels, wounds, and bail outs. There is also a new campaign sheet and tactical display, which will present a different feel to the well-established Leader gameplay.

Starting in the early 30's, Germany was secretly building an air force. Specifically prohibited by the armistice that ended World War I, the existence of the Luftwaffe was not revealed until 1935. At the beginning of World War II the Germans had a technical edge over the Allies, but, due to an incorrect doctrine that did not emphasize strategic bombing and in the end, failed to recognize the importance of defense, the Allies soon caught up and surpassed the Luftwaffe in quality and quantity. Germany had amazing aircraft on the drawing boards, but due to Allied bombing and interference from Der Fuhrer, Most never reached fruition.

In Stuka Leader you will command a huge selection of German (and in the Mediterranean Expansions Italian) aircraft as you work through a vast selection of Campaigns, each with it's unique blend of Targets and goals. Campaigns span the entire war in Europe from 1939 until 1945. With the available Expansions, you are able to fly even more aircraft (including the tank busting Ju-87g!) against the Soviets in the Eastern Front and the British and Americans in the Mediterranean. I am also offering a Spanish Civil War Expansion for those who want to fly the He-51 against I-15 and I-16s. Besides the Aces Expansion that will include such names as Galland, Moelders, Rudel and plenty more, I have a What If Expansion that gives you aircraft like the Ho-299 and the E-555 Amerika Bomber!

Fun, easy to learn, difficult to master, quick playing game.

  • Missions can be played in under 30 minutes. A Campaign as quickly as 1 hour, but longer ones can last as long as you wish!
  • Solitaire play with the ability to play other Leader games Head to Head
  • Not a Hardcore Simulation, we have balanced detail with fun and have created a game that feels like you are there, without bogging you down with minute details. This simple recipe makes the game fun, easy to play, yet plenty deep and nuanced.

- 17 x 22 " Game Board
- 1 Rulebook
- 237 Pilot Cards
- 9 Campaign Sheets
- Dogfight + Bomber Charts
- 43 Target Cards
- 30 Event Cards
- 2 Dice
- more than 1.000 Counters