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The Breach Prometheus
The Breach Prometheus
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Our Price:62.99

Stock Status:In Stock

1-4 Players

The Achab Corporation has deployed its deadliest weapon in defense of its Database: Prometheus! The first I.C.E. Titan-class, an opponent so fearsome that to survive the Breachers will have to put aside their differences and… cooperate!

Prometheus expansion introduces Co-Op mode to The Breach. A new Avatar is here to face Prometheus: Nero is ready to sow flames and destruction within the Network!

In Cooperative Mode, players share a common goal: to defeat Prometheus before it removes all the Gates from the Database. To do this, they must first disable parts of the Titan’s body and then assign Viruses to defeat it.

12 Miniatures
‣ 1 Prometheus Miniature
‣ 1 Nero Avatar Miniature
‣ 10 Aithon I.C.E. Miniatures
1 Prometheus Board
1 Prometheus Card
2 Description Cards
32 Prometheus Activation Cards
1 Avatar Card
7 Malware Cards
1 Room 1 Dice
1 I.C.E. Deployment Trach
20 Tokens