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Tully Cavaliers: A Song Of Ice and Fire Expansion
Tully Cavaliers: A Song Of Ice and Fire Expansion
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House Tully Will Always Answer the Direwolf’s Call
House Tully has long been one of House Stark’s most stalwart allies. Now that the Direwolf has marched to war, every resource is being sent to field. That includes House Tully’s Cavaliers, their heavily armed and armored cavalry. They are masters at the cavalry charge and can break enemy lines with ease.

The Tully Cavaliers Unit Box gives House Stark Commanders a new cavalry option for their forces. Equipped with heavy weapons designed specifically for cavalry, the Cavaliers gain multiple bonuses when Charging. Their Lances gain extra dice as well as gain Sundering, making the attack truly devastating. The Cavaliers also Embolden the troops around them, granting a bonus to all Morale Tests nearby allies must take.

The alliance between House Tully and House Stark is one of the strongest in Westeros. The two have been taking to the field together for generations. In its darkest hour, House Stark knows it can rely on House Tully to be there, sending their best troops to engage the enemy. And those best troops are arguably the Tully Cavaliers, some of the most resilient and well-trained cavalry units in the land. House Stark players will soon be able to add this stalwart unit to their ranks. Let’s take a look at what these riders can do.

If there is one thing the House Tully Cavaliers are known for, it’s their devastating charges. While cavalry units of all types are known for strong charge attacks, the Tully Cavaliers’ make any other cavalry’s charge seem quaint by comparison. On the tabletop, this is represented by the Cavalier’s Lance attack. It rolls six dice whenat full ranks and gains several bonuses when charging, including: 3 extra dice, Critical Blow, and Sundering. So, they have more dice to attack with, gain extra Hits when they roll 6s, and the enemy’s Defense Save is reduced. Truly, they can devastate an enemy formation with an attack like that. The Cavalier’s best bet is to charge in and wipe out an enemy right away.