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Sabbat:Pact with Nephandi Tremere Preconstructed Deck Vampire the Eternal Struggle
Sabbat:Pact with Nephandi Tremere Preconstructed Deck Vampire the Eternal Struggle
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The Tremere antitribu are exiles from Kindred society for their treason against their Camarilla brethren and their embrace of forbidden arts. They are skilled in the ways of Blood Sorcery and use their powers to upend the order of the world itself.

Your strategy for this deck is to form an infernal pact with those known as the Nephandi — fallen mages who seek to end creation. With your combined forces and common goals, even elder vampires need to think twice before getting in your way.

This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.