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Wrath & Glory Introductory Set Blessings Unheralded Adventure Warhammer 40000 Roleplay
Wrath & Glory Introductory Set Blessings Unheralded Adventure Warhammer 40000 Roleplay
Our Price:5.00

Stock Status:In Stock

Blessings Unheralded is an introductory adventure for Wrath & Glory, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay.

The Shrine World of Enoch is suffering from a mysterious plague. A group of heroes are sent to this disease-ridden planet to locate a missing friend. However, the search soon uncovers something far more deadly.

This quickstart booklet is an introduction to the Wrath & Glory Roleplaying game.

A set of basic rules are included to help players and Gamemasters become familiar with Wrath & Glory, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay. Also included are six 4-page character folios, a battlemap, and a token sheet for use with this adventure.