Wargame weekend – 1st edition –
Saturday 15th July 10-18H – Tielenbaan 59
Lille 2275 Belgium
What is this all about?
We have a lot of demand of customers to organise play, to demo games or to coach players into the wargaming hobby.
So we decided to organise our very first Wargame Weekend on Saturday July 15th at 10H.
We are having:
1) A Coaching battle session La Bataille de Quatre bras, starting at 10H with a breakfast setup session. During this breakfast setup session, we will explain some basic, inform everybody how the real battle went en show off the game in full setup. 2) At 11H we will start witht he opening moves of the battle, in which all players can command 1 of the generals in the armies present. This has the advantage of scale, so you don't have to worry about everything everywhere at onc, but you can concentrate on your part of the battle. 3) Lunch at 13H. A light lunch will be served. 4) From 14-18H we will conclude more player turns, showing fire combat, melee, charges etc...all while you are in control;
On top of all this, we will launch some promotional items over the weekend, available to all customers, also online. the promotions will be posted on Friday 14th in the evening and last until Sunday 16th.
We can host a number of players but no more than 6 for the coaching session. So make sure to reserve your spot.
What you I need to take part of this?
Nothing at all...there is no need to own a wargame or have any experience in wargaming. Th eidea is to give you a taste of this type of game so you can decide for yourself if it is for you or not. Bring your good mood and maybe your lucky dice if you want. A basic understanding of English is handy also.
